Hello! Welcome to our tiny, magical corner in this vast space called “the web!” If you’ve found your way here, we can already guess something about you. You are aligning yourself with natural health and spiritual consciousness. If that’s true, you are in the right place!
The Holistic Healing tribe was founded by Marlene Ivette and Rodney Dodson and has evolved to include a community of 1,000+ members……and growing!
We believe that attaining health IS SIMPLE. The human body is a self-healing, self-regulating, interconnected organism. It is disease and illness resilient; when not inflicted with toxic overload, malnutrition, and heightened emotional stress. But how does one’s body combat these stressors and become resilient? Are you ready for the answers?
It’s important to understand that WE don’t heal you. Your BODY heals itself. We simply provide the mentoring, support, and resources, including essential oils, proper nutrition, detox, and meditation, which set you on the path toward healing.
You want to THRIVE! Mentally. Physically. Spiritually. Financially.
Let us get you on the path to health! We are excited for you to join our Holistic Healing tribe!